Offchannel Communication: What is it and What Must Compliance Teams Know?

Off-channel communication, also known as outside business activities or private securities transactions, refer to any business-related communication or activity that occurs outside the formal, approved channels of a financial firm. These activities can include discussions or transactions involving securities, financial products, or services that are not conducted through the firm’s established communication and record-keeping systems.

Regulatory compliance is a key concern for regulatory bodies like the SEC and FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) when it comes to off-channel communications. These communications can bypass a firm’s compliance procedures, making it difficult to monitor and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, such as suitability, disclosure, and record-keeping obligations. Firms are expected to have policies and procedures in place to identify, monitor, and manage the risks associated with off-channel communications to ensure regulatory compliance.

Investor protection is another area of concern when it comes to off-channel communications. When communications take place outside the firm’s established channels, investors may be exposed to risks, including unsuitable investments, misrepresentations, or even fraud. Firms must ensure that their registered representatives adhere to the firm’s communication and compliance requirements to protect investors from these risks.

Management supervision is also a critical issue when it comes to off-channel communications. These communications can undermine a firm’s ability to effectively supervise its registered representatives as it becomes difficult to track and monitor their activities, which may lead to potential misconduct or regulatory violations. Firms should implement best practices, including monitoring employee mobile apps, to manage off-channel communication effectively.

Reputational risk is a significant concern for firms that do not have policies and procedures in place to manage off-channel communications. If a firm is not aware of its representatives’ off-channel communications, it may be at risk of reputational damage if these activities result in client harm or regulatory enforcement actions. Firms should ensure that their policies and procedures identify, monitor, and manage the risks associated with off-channel communications to protect their reputation.

Given these concerns, regulatory bodies have made off-channel communications a priority for regulatory scrutiny. Firms are expected to have policies and procedures in place to identify, monitor, and manage the risks associated with off-channel communications, as well as to ensure that their registered representatives are adhering to the firm’s communication and compliance requirements. Implementing best practices and monitoring employee mobile apps are crucial steps that firms can take to mitigate the risks associated with off-channel communications.