Why is the SEC Issuing WhatsApp Fines

In recent years, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been cracking down on the use of unsecured communication channels in the financial industry. One particular channel that has drawn the SEC’s attention is WhatsApp. Several financial services companies have been fined for using WhatsApp to conduct business transactions without proper oversight. This blog post will explore why the SEC is issuing fines to financial services companies for the use of WhatsApp.

Security Risks

One of the main reasons the SEC is concerned about the use of WhatsApp is because it is an unsecured platform. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, which means that messages sent through the app are encrypted and can only be read by the sender and recipient. While this feature provides a level of privacy and security for personal conversations, it also creates a risk for the financial industry.

Record-Keeping Requirements

In the financial industry, it is essential to have proper record-keeping of all transactions and communications. This helps to ensure that companies are compliant with regulations and can provide evidence if there is ever an investigation or legal dispute. However, with end-to-end encryption, there is no way for companies to monitor or archive WhatsApp conversations. This makes it difficult for companies to demonstrate that they are following regulations and can lead to fines from the SEC.

Circumventing Compliance

Another reason why the SEC is concerned about the use of WhatsApp is because it can be used to circumvent compliance procedures. Financial services companies are required to have strict compliance procedures in place to prevent insider trading, fraud, and other illegal activities. However, when employees use WhatsApp to communicate about business transactions, they can bypass these procedures, making it easier to engage in illegal activities.

Sensitive Information Leaking

In addition to these concerns, the SEC is also worried about the security of sensitive information that is shared through WhatsApp. Financial services companies deal with a lot of confidential information, such as customer data, trading information, and other sensitive data. When this information is shared through an unsecured platform like WhatsApp, it increases the risk of data breaches and leaks. This can lead to reputational damage for the company, as well as potential legal liabilities.

Fining and Deterrents for Non-Compliance

Several financial services companies have already been fined by the SEC for the use of WhatsApp. In 2018, Credit Suisse was fined $5 million for violating securities laws by failing to retain text messages sent through WhatsApp. Similarly, in 2019, Cantor Fitzgerald was fined $647,000 for failing to supervise employees who used WhatsApp to conduct business transactions.

How to Achieve WhatsApp Compliance?

To avoid these fines, financial services companies need to implement proper communication channels that are secure and compliant. One option is to use secure messaging platforms that are designed specifically for the financial industry. These platforms provide end-to-end encryption, but also have features that allow companies to monitor and archive conversations for compliance purposes.

Another option is to use collaboration platforms that are designed for the financial industry. These platforms provide a secure environment for employees to communicate and collaborate on business transactions. They also have features that allow companies to monitor and archive conversations, as well as enforce compliance procedures.

Where to From Here

In conclusion, the SEC is issuing fines to financial services companies for the use of WhatsApp because it is an unsecured platform that can be used to circumvent compliance procedures and can lead to data breaches and leaks. To avoid these fines, financial services companies need to implement proper communication channels that are secure and compliant. This can be achieved by using secure messaging platforms or collaboration platforms that are designed specifically for the financial industry. By doing so, companies can ensure that they are compliant with regulations and protect themselves from reputational damage and legal liabilities.


  1. https://www.investmentnews.com/sec-cracks-down-on-whatsapp-in-financial-services-82027
  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-credit-suisse-whatsapp-sec/credit-suisse-to-pay-5-million-to-settle-whatsapp-probe-by-u-s-regulator-idUSKBN