Employee-Customer Chats: Personal Service vs. Regulatory Requirements

The market is flooded with countless digital solutions for communication between agents and customers in call centers, such as IVR systems, Omni-Channel platforms, chatbots and more. All these solutions make life easier for customers, are convenient for them to use.

Of course, digital communications also help organizations drive efficiency too. Conversations are easily tagged, recorded, categorized and subsequent tasks and flows can be created.

Some Relationships Need More Care

But what about high-value, high-risk relationships? Ones that rely on trust, personal knowledge and are subject to regulatory oversight?

It’s critical to have a personal, digital communication between businesses and customers. With WhatsApp (and other messaging platforms), sales agents and customers have maintained their direct relationships with customers – making themselves available to them for fast and less formal relationships.

Sales cycles are completed fast and simple by sales agents answering inquiries simultaneously from wherever they are, and at all times of the day.

By enabling WhatsApp communication, businesses are seeing increased conversion rates, improved customer experience, and even shortened the sales cycle.

Here comes the challenge.

The Problem: No Communication Oversight or Record on Personal Communication

There is no record & archive of the conversations done via the salesperson’s personal WhatsApp number at all.

Here is the crucial gap between the communication in the departments which are directed through the call center, which are fully recorded and archived in the CRM, to those which are done outside the call center.

In a scenario where an employee leaves the company for some reason or another, all the important data between him and clients are lost.